Writing a Resume

My last post dealt with Writing different kinds of Reports.

And what are we going to deal with today?

 We are going to learn about Writing a Resume.

What is a Resume?

A resume is a short statement of your work experience, education and qualifications. It is an application letter that enables the company to get a first impression and decide whether they are interested in interviewing you. Your resume (sometimes called your "CV") is your most important tool when applying for a job. It doesn't matter how qualified you are, or how much experience you have, if your resume is poorly presented or badly written, you are going to have trouble getting the job you want, or even an interview.

Knowing how to write a resume may prove extremely important  when you start looking seriously for employment.


How do we write a Resume?

Follow the steps below to write a resume.

1. Resume Samples
Check out resume samples and get inspired to create an outstanding resume.

2. Personal Details
Start wi
th your personal details:
     Name, address, telephone number, email
     Date and place of birth

3. Education:
Write the names of schools youn have attended. (State where and when you studied.) 

4. Work Experience
Write the names of companies you have worked in. Be specific: Position, Department, Dates. 

5. Interests and Expectations
Describe the kind of job you are interested in. 

6. Qualifications
Describe your qualifications / special skills.

7. References, Recommendations
Add references / recommendation letters from previous employers.


Why do we need a Resume?

With a representative and professional resume, you will stand out among all other applicants. You are more likely to be invited to an interview.

There are different styles and formats. If you are looking for a summer job or any other temporary job, you may choose a less formal resume.


Let's see how we can apply the information given in this post to write a Resume.

1. Write a resume to be presented to a potential employer (10-15 lines) – (Informal Style).
Introduce yourself. Explain your qualifications and past experience as well as your expectations.

The following guidelines may help you:

I, ……………………….., live in ……………………….. and my telephone number is ………………………..

I was born in ………………………..

I am ……………………….. old, single / married ………………………..

I graduated from ……………………….. in ……………………….. in the field of ………………………..

My last employment ………………………..

I am looking forward to ………………………..



P.S. – I am enclosing education certificates and letters of recommendation.


2. Write a formal resume  to be presented to a potential employer.
Imagine you are thirty years old, interested in a suitable position in High-Tech, Psychology, Education, etc. 

You should include:

Personal details


Previous employment

Special skills



         And that's all for today. More Writing Activities in my next post.

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