Teaching Nouns

We have been studying the Verb for quite a long time.

 It's time to move to the Noun.

In this post, I will explain the rationale of my approach and present the structure of the unit on the Noun: Lesson plans and practical examples of activities to be used in the classroom, texts and exercises to be used when teaching or reviewing the unit.

The Noun

The Noun will be taught in context using appropriate, relevant texts

Unit Structure – Junior High

In Junior High, I would suggest spending about 3 – 4 lessons on the Noun.

Lesson 1 

Count Nouns – Singular and Plural

a. Oral Activity:

Shopping for the new school year

What do you usually buy for the new school year?

Mention at least 5 items which are essential and five items which are optional. Discuss why they are essential / optional. Pay attention to the Plural forms.

b. Grammar Review

Plural forms: s, es, ies, f, fe

Unusual Plural forms: men, teeth, children…..

Lesson 2 

a. Presentation of a text including many examples of Singular and Plural Count Nouns.

Shopping for the new school year is really exciting though sometimes exhausting. The shops are full of mothers accompanied by eager children who usually have a long list of items they intend to buy. Some are essential and others are optional, but many children would like to buy them all. There is only one little problem: the price.

Ben is going into ninth grade and his mother, after comparing prices at different stores, has finally decided to do the shopping at a big department store. She is looking for a schoolbag, a ruler, some books and notebooks, a few pens and pencils. The schoolbag should be light, yet big enough to carry all the books required by the teachers. Ben reminds his mother that he also needs an atlas and a dictionary. Unfortunately, the dictionary is not available at the moment, so he will have to wait for the next edition to come out. Then they start looking for clothes: shirts, trousers, shoes and a sweater. After hours of walking from store to store, they both feel it's high time to go home. They are tired and hungry.


Underline and analyze the different kinds of nouns.

Elicit the rules and sum up.

b. Grammar Review

a, an, the, some, any, many

Lesson 3

 Non Count Nouns

a. Reading Passage

In the nineteenth century many Americans moved out west looking for gold. Most of them lived in very poor conditions, working day and night, hoping to find some gold. Most of them did not find any gold and returned home disappointed. Even the lucky ones who found some gold or perhaps even a lot of gold, often discovered that the gold they had dreamt about brought more misery than happiness. 


Underline and analyze the different kinds of nouns.

Elicit the rules and sum up.

Grammar Review:

the, some, any, much

How would I approach the issue in High School?

Assuming this subject has been studied in Junior High, I would review the unit for remedial purposes and reinforcement – 2 lessons.

How would I plan one of the lessons? The other lessons might follow a similar structure.

1. Oral Activity– about 10 min.

Suggestions (Suitable subjects for class conversation):

Shopping for clothes: mention singular and plural items.

Talking about books or movies

2. Presentation of a Text including many examples of the structure I intend to teach or review– Count Nouns and Non Count Nouns – about 15 min.

Traveling abroad involves not only crossing rivers and climbing mountains. It also includes museums, galleries, local folklore shows and exotic food. Yet, a trip abroad would be meaningless without a basic element: shopping. What is the use of crossing borders and driving thousands of kilometers if we do not return with full suitcases?

The problem starts almost as soon as we reach the "duty – free" stores at the airport. Unfortunately, the items on sale are not really free – they cost money. The stores we will come across every day, every hour of our trip, are full of attractive items as well. How can we return without suitable presents for all the members of our family and friends? How else would they share our experience?

After having spent lots of energy, time and money, we return home feeling happy but exhausted, carrying half of Europe or America in our suitcases. When we start unpacking, we often discover that the presents we have bought during our memorable trip are either the wrong size or the wrong color. The souvenirs we have chosen with so much love and care: a plastic Eiffel Tower from Paris or a a colorful gondolla from Venice, look out of place in our home. The conclusion is clear: No more shopping…!!!


Underline and analyze the different kinds of nouns.

Elicit the rules and sum up.

3. Class practice: exercises, role-plays, writing activities – about 10 min.

4. Homework – carefully guided activities – about 5 min.

a. Write a recipe for fast doughnuts, cookies or whatever you like:

    Specify ingredients and write clear instructions

b. Write a letter to a friend planning a trip to Eilat. Tell him what he should or should not do to ensure a pleasant, safe vacation.

    The following words may help your students:

pack, get in touch with, book tickets, make hotel reservations, youth hostel, hitchhike (remember, you should tell your friend not only what he should do but also what he shouldnt do…), sleeping bag, suntanning lotion, shorts, knapsack, maps

c. Write instructions for operating a new cellular phone, printer, etc.


And that's about all for today. In my next post, we will be talking about the Adjective.

Lea  🙂 


For more explanations, please see:
דקדוק אנגלי לדוברי עברית, עמ' 173 – 190

For exercises, please see:
The New Language Guidebook and Workbook, p 288 – 301

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